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About the NIE

The National Institute of Ecology (NIE) is the premier interdisciplinary professional association in India in the field of ecology and environmental sciences. It was founded in 1978, in pursuace of a resolution adopted at the All-India Symposium on Teaching of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, held at Jaipur (Rajasthan) during December 1976. NIE is a Non-political, Non-governmental, and Non-profit making Organization, registered under the Rajasthan Societies Registration Act at Jaipur (No. 495/80-81).

The NIE endeavours to promote all fields of ecology and environmental science through interactions between researchers from diverse disciplines of Biology, Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Fisheries, Physical and Chemical Sciences, Earth Sciences, Marine Sciences, Public Health, Anthropology and Social Sciences, Statistics and Mathematics, and Environmental Engineering.

The NIE has currently more than 600 members drawn from every State and Union Territory of India as well as several other countries. The membership includes Fellows who are elected by the NIE every year in recognition of their significant contributions to their chosen field of ecology/environmental science.


The objectives of the National Institute of Ecology include:

To promote the study of ecology and environmental sciences at all levels of formal and non-formal education.

To create greater environmental consciousness for the betterment of quality of life.

To promote and maintain a liaison between various disciplines of sciences related to environment,

To advise the government and its agencies on the environmental issues of public interest.

To cultivate liasion between governmental and non-governmental institutions, academies, societies and other organizations in the field of environment.

To cooperate and affiliate with international organizations in the field of ecology and environmental sciences.

To hold and sponsor or support conferences, seminars, symposia, and workshops, and to arrange lectures and demonstrations on any aspect of ecology and environmental science.

To encourage and support research in ecology and environmental sciences. 

To publish such journals, proceedings, books. newsletters or bulletins, as considered desirable to meet the other objectives.


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Last Updated on 17 October 2000